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Best Black Friday Survival Fishing Kits Deals 2023

Written By | Last updated on Wednesday, September 18th, 2024

Black Friday Survival Fishing Kits Deals – Best Survival Fishing Kits Black Friday Deals – Buy Online Survival Fishing Kits and Save huge on this Black Friday.

The most awaited Black Friday Survival Fishing Kits Deals 2023 is about to start. Have you planned your brand new Survival Fishing Kits yet? If your answer is no, then you don’t need to worry as the following article has all the things that will make your confusions clear to buy new Survival Fishing Kits.

Welcome to the Best updated Site of The Black Friday Deals 2024. If you’re stuck out in the wilderness for an extended period of time, finding food can be an issue.

Luckily, you’ll have the ability to catch your meals every day, if you’ve packed one of these survival fishing kits.

They have everything hard-core campers need to live off the land and make an excellent addition to any emergency kit or bug-out bag.

Black Friday Survival Fishing Kits Deals 2023

In this article we listed Survival Fishing Kits deals. Our team analyzed and shortlisted top products wit Black Friday Deals of Survival Fishing Kits.

Best Survival Fishing Kits

Survival Fishing Kits Black Friday Deals 2024

Our Pick – Uncle Flint’s Survival Fishing Kit

Best Black Friday Survival Fishing Kits Deals 2023

Black Friday Survival Fishing Kit
Best Black Friday Survival Fishing Kits Deals 2023 1

Black Friday Survival Fishing Kits Related Deals

A survival fishing kit should contain a variety of different size hooks, a good test size line at least 25 feet, weights, and bobber. This is a very basic kit. Others will offer more options that we will cover a little later.

Hooks are probably the most important part of the survival fishing kit. The size of the hook can make all the difference between being able to catch a fish and not. Fish that are too small will not be able to bite or beset with larger hooks.

Larger fish can be caught on smaller hooks. This is a good reason to make sure you have smaller hooks in your kit.

Bobbers will vary in size depending on the size of the fishing kit. Some fishermen prefer using a bobber while others do not. Using a bobber will increase your chances of catching a fish when dealing with smaller “bait stealing” fish.

  1. Braided fishing line
    547 yds (500m) of 10lb (4.5kg), and 547 yds (500m) of 65lb (4.5kg) for the fishing rod and trotlines.
  2. Cuban yoyo
    The cuban yoyo is a compact back up for my fishing rod; it has a mono fishing line (25 lb) for hand lining (braided line would cut my hands).
  3. Circle hooks (6)
    Circle hooks are regarded as the best performing type of hook for trotlines. My Gamakatzu hooks are size 5/0, and painted red (more chances of catching fish without bait). In the future I will add more circle hooks to my survival fishing kit.
  4. Jigs, lures and assorted hooks (40+)
    Lures and jigs are important for fishing without bait. In addition I have dozens of assorted hooks of various types and sizes.
  5. Treble hooks (50+)
    Treble hooks are better than J hooks for trotlines, and if one breaks, you still have two other hooks. My hooks are size 1/0.
  6. Weedless hooks (20)
    It can be hard to fish on shallow or weedy areas: either because hooks get stuck on the rocky bottom or because while casting, algae and grass get tangled with the hook. Weedless hooks have a wire to stop that. The reason why I have so many hooks is because when you are fishing for subsistence, and you loose a hook, you need to keep fishing. By having so many hooks, I can ration them and fish more liberally.
  7. Snare wire
    This wire makes tough leaders for trotlines and fishing. I also have a few store-bought leaders. Leaders are almost mandatory in my area, because local fish cut lines easily.
  8. Gill net
    I have a 30m by 1.8m gillnet with a mesh size of 60mm. It’s made of braided line because mono line retains its shape (has memory) and can get tangled.
  9. Survival Fishing rod
    I have a 6 coil Emmrod survival fishing pole that breaks down. The pole is made with steel so it won’t break easily.
  10. Foam bobbers
    Casting bobbers for fishing in shallow areas with rocks and trees. Foam bobbers are some of the most durable out there.
  11. Fishing Clips
    I have strong fishing clips with swivels for trotlines because fish can often escape by twisting the line.
  12. Washers
    These washers function as heavy duty sinkers for modified trotlines.
  13. Corks
    Cheap, heavy duty floats for modified trotlines.
  14. Braided paracord inner cores, and paracord outer cores
    These work great for heavy duty trotlines, but bank line works as well
  15. Retrieving net
    An old net that I cut from a retrieving net. This way I can make a light, compact retrieving net in the field without spending much time.
  16. Multi-tool
    A must-have for cutting line, getting hooks unstuck (from fish or humans), making leaders, etc.
  17. Anchor net
    A net I made for using rocks as anchors for trotlines or for use as a canoe anchor.

Black Friday Survival Fishing Kits Deals Explained

So here is our list of Best Survival Fishing Kits Black Friday Deals 2024

Overall, you can say that a lot of benefits come with Survival Fishing Kits .

How to make a survival fishing kit

The first thing you need, to make your own kit, is a container. It should be rigid to protect its contents from sharp hooks. An altoids tin works great if you are making a pocket survival fishing kit. Otherwise a small tackle kit from your local fishing shop should do.

Survival Fishing Kit contents list

I’ve already listed what I have in my big fishing kit, but if you are looking to make a small one then you can start with just the basics:

  • Fishing line (braided is best, you want to be able to use it for hand line casting and setting multiple lines along the shore)
  • Hooks (small hooks can catch big fish but they break more easily, have assorted types and sizes)
  • Leaders (either very strong line or wire leaders)
  • Sinkers (these are important for hand lining and limb lines)
  • Floats (optional, dried fungus should work as a bobber as well)
  • Lures (fresh bait is the best but sometimes you can’t find it, so make sure to include some quality lures, although they only work with hand lines and not with trotlines)

Another way of building a survival fishing kit is to start with a small kit and build upon it.


You’ve got a good chance of providing food in a wilderness survival scenario if you have a little fishing gear in your survival kit. All you need is a small coil of monofilament line, some weights, and one or two dozen hooks. This seems simple enough, but over the years, I have found that the fishing gear in common survival kits is not that useful.

The following kits should give you some ideas about what to include in your own.

When the Black Friday Survival Fishing Kits Deals 2023 starts in a few days, these items / products will be available at a whopping discount.

People expect the fishing gear to provide them with food in a survival scenario. But this gear often comes wadded up into little bundles and shoved in the corner of the box, tube or pouch with the other items. They seem more like an afterthought rather key items used to improve your odds in the game of survival.

Share this with someone who is planning to buy Survival Fishing Kits so that they get better options in their buyer’s list.


Don’t forget to check Official Black Friday Facebook Page or Facebook Group to find more interesting pieces of stuff.

Black Friday deals are coming with a plethora of benefits, so do yourself a favor and check out some Survival Fishing Kits from different brands. Be assured that you won’t burn a hole in your pocket as brands are expected to provide a huge discount on these Survival Fishing Kits.

Hope this list of the best Survival Fishing Kits will be helpful for you. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our blog or our reviews, and we will be happy to help you with your purchasing decisions in any way we can.

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About Emily Wilson
Author and Deals Expert at TheBlackFriday.Deals

Emily Wilson is considered one of the leading experts when it comes to Black Friday, and online shopping. With over a decade of experience, she is eager to share his knowledge with TheBlackFriday.Deals readers in order to help them save as much money as possible.

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